Sugar: The Bitter Truth

Sugar: The Bitter Truth

This is a very important lecture by Robert Lustig MD of UCSF Medical School which will scientifically debunk a significant majority of the last 30 years of nutritional information related to diets, weight loss, and obesity. Even though the audience is primarily medical professionals, the science lecture is very entertaining and informative for all interested in weight loss and detoxification. In my opinion all parents must watch this lecture for the benefit of their children.

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Risk factors for Heart Disease and Diabetes

Risk factors for Heart Disease and Diabetes

[tube][/tube] Otherwise known as Metabolic Syndrome, and previously known as Syndrome X, it includes hypertension (high blood pressure), hypertryglyceridemia (high cholesterol), obesity, hyperinsulinemia (high insulin, insulin resistance), and low HDL. Having one component of metabolic syndrome means you’re more likely

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Reversing Diabetes

Reversing Diabetes

[tube][/tube] Are you pre-Diabetic? You may be at risk. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) has increased dramatically over the past several decades, perhaps because of recent changes in diet and lifestyle. Among these are increased refined carbohydrate

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