In addition to having patients who are cancer surviors, my interest is personal. My sister is a breast cancer survior, and my father in law is a multiple myeloma survivor. Both are doing well. I was also diagnosed with breast cancer in 2010, and by the Grace of God, am doing fantastic!

Cancer is on the rise: in 20 years it has been predicted that 1 in 3 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer and one 1 of 2 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Many cancers are rooted in the disturbance of the functional and physiologic state. Additionally, cancer for many patients has become a chronic disease that demands long term management.
Cancers are a result of the interaction between the environment and the genetics and epigenetics of the individual. Although the environment plays a greater role in causing sporadic cancer, we now have the technology available to perform genetic biomarker screenings to determine your individual genetic risk for cancer, or determine the effectiveness of a certain cancer or drug treatment for you.
Many patients have a long pre-clinical stage that is susceptible to intervention. Integrative medicine can play a pivotal role in prevention and management of long-term care in cancer. If you have cancer, have just finished your cancer treatment, or are interested in prevention and assessing your cancer risk, then the Hirani Wellness Clinic is a place where you can receive personalized medical services.
Please note: The services offered by Dr. Hirani are supportive adjuncts to your current treatments, and are not a subsitute or alternative to your existing plan.
We offer :
We offer blood tests that evaluate nutritional and metabolic status including inflammatory and genetic markers that can predispose you to cancer or can be used as valuable tools to assess effectiveness of your integrative cancer treatments.
Individual nutritional counseling to help you eat right based body composition and caloric expenditure tests. A recent study published for World Cancer Research Fund and the American Institute for Cancer Research in 2009 found that more than 50% of cancers have a nutritional component in their etiology.
Individual dietary supplement regimen based on specific and individual blood testing and corroborated by scientific studies.
IV Vitamin C Therapy (requires oncologist permission if currently undergoing chemotherapy).
Advice and guidance on how to reduce the side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
How to prepare for surgery and recover quicker.
Neurofeedback to help with stress reduction, anxiety and relieve headaches.
Detoxification. Subsequent to metabolic pathway testing, certain scientifically studied herbs might be recommended to help Phase-I detoxification. These include carnosol, resveratrol, and garlic.
Other Resources:
Books to read:
The Definitive Guide to Cancer, by Lise Alschuler ND
Life Over Cancer, by Keith Block MD
Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster, by Peggy Huddleston
The Spectrum, Dean Ornish MD
A New Earth, Eckhart Tolle
See also link for Intravenous Vitamin C and Cancer.
University of Kansas Medical Center Intravenous Vitamin C Therapy: Frequently Asked Questions. They also have a nice list of websites, including some of the ones below.
San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium 2011. Click on Top News Slideshow for summary. May require Medscape free registration. Useful info and summaries of scientific conferences on alternative approaches to cancer. Treatment options, links for online support groups and lists of clinical trials. Breast cancer action has a free newsletter and comprehensive series of answers to the most frequently asked questions with annual membership of $50. Maintained by the national cancer institute, lists research projects divided by type of cancer and type of cancer research (ie, treatment, prevention, early diagnosis). European cancer patient coalition, click on “helpful information” for a comprehensive list of European based clinics, internet sites and patient support groups. A database of more than 15 million articles published since the 1950s included published clinical trials. One of the country’s largest treatment centers, M. D. Anderson is a pioneer among integrative cancer programs. Federally funded cancer research, is authoritative information about conventional cancer diagnosis and treatment Coordinates complimentary and alternative medicine research at the national cancer institute. Info about conventional and alternative options, with a focus on patient activism.